
From WOI Encyclopedia Italia
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Arts by country | Genres by country

Literature (by language | by nationality)

Poetry | Drama | Novels | Essays | Comics

Visual arts (by region | by nationality)

Architecture | Ceramics | Comics | Drawing | Film | Graphic design | Industrial design | Landscape architecture | Painting | Photography | Printmaking | Sculpture | Typography

Music (by continent | by nationality)

Classical | Popular | Folk | Jazz | Reggae | Rock | Blues, Country, Electronic etc.

Performing arts (by country)

Theatre | Opera | Dance | Variety entertainment | Chinese opera | also Kabuki, Nō etc.


1. This scheme does not use sub-categories such as: Fine arts, Applied arts, Spatial arts, Plastic arts etc etc, which may be difficult to define.

2. The list of items in each of the four main sections is open-ended. For example, Kabuki currently has only one article, but if there is sufficient interest and individual articles on Kabuki plays are written, then it could and probably should be added.