Vehicle registration plates of Italy

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Present Italian car number plates have black characters on a rectangular white background, with small blue side-fields on the right and left (see European vehicle registration plates). The current numbering scheme, in use from 1994, is unrelated to the geographical provenance of the car.



The very first Italian number plates gave the unabbreviated name of the place of origin, followed by a number, as GENOVA 83.


Plate was white. The registration number was a numeric code (in red), different for each province, and a progressive number, unique for that province (in black). E.g. 63 – 2993, where 63 is the code for Turin.


Plate was black with white digits. Rear plate was 25 x 17.5 cm, front plate was 26.2 x 5.7 cm. The registration number was the provincial designator, which is a two-letter code (exception: Rome's code is Roma, Roma for 2- or 3-wheel vehicles), and a progressive code, unique for that province, up to 6 characters long.

From 1927 to 1932, the progressive code was before the provincial designator. Then, the progressive code was before the provincial designator in front plates and after it in rear plates.

The progressive code for the first 999999 cars of the provinces was just a progressive number, sometimes filled with initial zeroes (the rules for that changed during the years). For cars from 1000000, it was A00000-A99999, B00000-B99999 etc. Possible letters were, in this order, ABDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUVZXYW. After that, it was 00000A-99999A, 00000D-99999D etc. Possible letters were, in this order, ADEFGHJLMNPRSTVWXYZ. Then, the letter was moved to the second position, then to third (same range as in last position).


Front plate was identical as in the period 1927-1976. Rear plate, instead, came in three pieces. One, size 10,7x33 cm, black with white digits, contains the progressive code and, very small, the provincial designator (RM only for Rome). The other two were black with orange letters, and contained the provincial designator. One was 10,7x33 cm, the other one was 10,7x20 cm. Only one of the latter two was used: for a long plate, the small province code piece is put left of the progressive code, for a roughly square plate, the big province code piece is put above the progressive code.

Rome was (and is) the only city in the world where vehicle registration plates bear the full name of the city.


Plates become white with black digits. Front plate becomes larger (32.5 x 10.7 cm) and the progressive code on it is moved after the provincial designator, as it was already for rear plates.


Italian vehicle licence plate from Bolzano.

An entirely new numeration system was introduced which omitted any explicit reference to the place of origin. A simple alpha-numeric serial code takes the form AA 999 AA. Here ‘A’ can be any letter of the Roman alphabet except I, O, Q, U and is treated as a base-22 digit; ‘9’ can be any decimal digit. e.g. AX 848 LK. The three-digit number changes first, then the letters from right to left. So, first plate is AA 000 AA, followed by AA 001 AA...AA 999 AA, then AA 000 AB etc.

Rear plates are no more in two pieces. Instead, a square plate can be chosen instead of the ordinary long one. If the rear plate is square, the numbering scheme starts from ZA 000 AA.

In 1999, the plates were redesigned. The digits are thicker. The last decimal digit is now very close to the third letter. The standard European blue band has been added on the left side, with the European flag motif (12 yellow stars) and the country code I. Another blue band was added, on the right side, bearing a yellow circle with the year of registration.

The two-letter provincial code is optionally present on the right band in capital letters (95% of circulating vehicles bear such code). For the capital city of Rome, the word "ROMA" replaces the two-digit provincial code. Provincial codes are in capital letters except for three cases, where the second letter is expressed in small caps for the provincial codes of the autonomous province of Bolzano-Bozen (Bz), for the autonomous province of Trento (Tn) and for the autonomous region Aosta Valley (Ao), that are surmounted by the local coat of arms.

The reintroduction of the provincial code (although no longer as a compulsory element of the plate) was implemented because the 1994 suppression of the two-letter provincial codes proved extremely unpopular. Unlike before, the provincial code is not part of the registration number, which is the same for the whole nation.

Lists of provincial designators

List of provincial designators from 1927 until present day

AGAgrigento ALAlessandria ANAncona AOAosta APAscoli Piceno
AQL'Aquila ARArezzo ATAsti AVAvellino BABari
BGBergamo BIBiella BLBelluno BNBenevento BOBologna
BRBrindisi BSBrescia BZBolzano-Bozen CACagliari CBCampobasso
CECaserta CHChieti CLCaltanissetta CNCuneo COComo
CRCremona CSCosenza CTCatania CZCatanzaro ENEnna
FCForlì-Cesena FEFerrara FGFoggia FIFlorence (Firenze) FRFrosinone
GEGenoa (Genova) GOGorizia GRGrosseto IMImperia ISIsernia
KRCrotone LCLecco LELecce LILeghorn (Livorno) LOLodi
LTLatina LULucca MCMacerata MEMessina MIMilan (Milano)
MNMantua (Mantova) MOModena MSMassa-Carrara MTMatera NANaples (Napoli)
NONovara NUNuoro OROristano PAPalermo PCPiacenza
PDPadua (Padova) PEPescara PGPerugia PIPisa PNPordenone
POPrato PRParma PTPistoia PUPesaro-Urbino PVPavia
PZPotenza RARavenna RCReggio Calabria REReggio Emilia RGRagusa
RIRieti RNRimini RORovigo RomaRome (Roma) SASalerno
SISiena SOSondrio SPLa Spezia SRSyracuse (Siracusa) SSSassari
SVSavona TATaranto TETeramo TNTrento TOTurin (Torino)
TPTrapani TRTerni TSTrieste TVTreviso UDUdine
VAVarese VBVerbano-Cusio-Ossola VCVercelli VEVenice (Venezia) VIVicenza
VRVerona VTViterbo VVVibo Valentia  

These abbreviations for the names of provinces are extensively used in contexts other than vehicle registration. For example, "Trino (VC)", to indicate a place called Trino in the province of Vercelli, could appear in a postal address or in a guide book. The abbreviations even count as valid words in Scarabeo, the Italian version of the board game Scrabble.

Sometimes, the code RM is used instead of Roma for the province of Rome, in postal addresses or documents.

List of abandoned provincial designators (post-1927)

AUApuaniaprovince renamed back to Massa-Carrara1939-1949
CGCastrogiovannicity renamed to Enna1927-1928
CUCuneocode changed to CN1927-1928
FMFiumecity no longer in Italy1930-1945
FUFiumecode changed to FM1927-1930
GIGirgenticity renamed to Agrigento1927-1928
PLPolacity no longer in Italy1927-1945
PUPerugiacode changed to PG1927-1933
ZAZaracity no longer in Italy 1927-1945
PSPesaroProvince renamed to Pesaro and Urbino1927-1994
FOForlìProvince renamed to Forlì-Cesena (FC)1927-1994

List of provincial designators from 1905 to 1927

Code Province
1 Alessandria
2 Ancona
3 L'Aquila
4 Arezzo
5 Ascoli Piceno
6 Avellino
7 Bari
8 Belluno
9 Benevento
10 Bergamo
11 Bologna
12 Brescia
13 Cagliari
14 Caltanissetta
15 Campobasso
16 Caserta
17 Catania
18 Catanzaro
19 Chieti
20 Como
21 Cosenza
22 Cremona
23 Cuneo
24 Ferrara
25 Firenze
26 Foggia
27 Forlì
28 Genova
29 Agrigento
30 Grosseto
31 Lecce
32 Livorno
33 Lucca
34 Macerata
35 Mantova
36 Massa Carrara
37 Messina
38 Milano
39 Modena
40 Napoli
41 Novara
42 Padova
43 Palermo
44 Parma
45 Pavia
46 Perugia
47 Pesaro
48 Piacenza
49 Pisa
50 Imperia
51 Potenza
52 Ravenna
53 Reggio Calabria
54 Reggio Emilia
55 Roma
56 Rovigo
57 Salerno
58 Sassari
59 Siena
60 Siracusa
61 Sondrio
62 Teramo
63 Torino
64 Trapani
65 Treviso
66 Udine
67 Venezia
68 Verona
69 Vicenza
70 Pola
71 La Spezia
72 Taranto
73 Trento
74 Trieste
75 Zara
76 Fiume


  • The use of alphabetical codes for number plates started in Italy on 28 February 1927, as prescribed by the Circolare del Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici n. 3361 (from R.D.I. 13.3.1927 n.314 and the law 29.12.1927 n.2730) which inaugurated a new highway code.

External links

  • Plates in Rome provides detailed coverage of Italian number plates from 1903 onwards.